Anza family and friends celebrate autistic teen with birthday parade

DeAngelo Maggilin and his mother share a hug after his birthday parade held by friends and relatives Thursday, March 18. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Anza mother Jolene Maggilin said she wanted to make sure her son DeAngelo’s 15th birthday would be a memory to treasure. When DeAngelo was 18 months old, he was diagnosed with progressive delay autism.“My 14-year-old son has autism, and I asked him who he wanted at his upcoming birthday party,” Maggilin said. “He said that it didn’t matter, that no one ever comes to his birthday parties anyway.”She wanted to show him that people do love him, even if he did not know them personally, and that the community cares about him, she said.Maggilin turned to social media to organize a drive-by birthday party parade for her son.“I never in my wildest dreams ever really thought I could pull t
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