Nothing stops Menifee’s active nonagenarian

Margaret “Mickie” Warner shows one of her seascapes at a recent Saturday sidewalk art sale in Menifee. She sold two paintings that afternoon. Valley News/Diane A. Rhodes photo
Margaret “Mickie” Warner moved to the Sun City community in Menifee in 1985 when her husband Johnnie Warner retired. But she said she wasn’t ready to slow down and quickly became involved with many activities in her new town. A lifelong artist, the 95-year-old has been a member of Arts Council Menifee for the past four years and shows her work there every chance she gets.She has been a member of the Sun City Art Guild for 36 years and served as its president for four years and managed the Sun City Art Galleria store for 13 years. Warner was born and raised in Illinois and her interest in art started in childhood.When she was only 3 years old, Warner’s parents and a brother were killed in a railroad crossing accident. She, her two sisters and another brother were each taken
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