CCL given RCWD contract for Calamar/Via Escalon pipeline

CCL Contracting Inc. has been awarded the Rancho California Water District contract to construct the 24-inch pipeline along Calamar Road and Via Escalon.Rancho’s board voted 7-0, May 14 to award CCL the contract for the Escondido company’s bid amount of $2,781,223. The actual low bid of $2,524,281 was submitted by Downing Construction Inc., but the board action also found that bid to be non-responsive as the contract documents specified verification of similar project experience and Downing did not provide that in the Redlands company’s bid package. The board also amended the total funding for the project, adding $210,000 to bring the amount from $3,540,000 to $3,750,000. A separate $94,000 contract was awarded to Krieger & Stewart Inc., who is the engineer of record for the
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