Inter Valley Health Plan offers free virtual community health education and wellness classes

Doctor with stethoscope
Valley News - Health
Due to the COVID19 pandemic, Inter Valley Health Plan is offering their free Vitality Series classes online.  An RSVP is required to get the login information.  To RSVP call (800) 886-4471 (TTY 711) weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or visit Classes are subject to change, please visit their website for up-to-date information.Friday, May 28, 10, a.m. to noonPM Friday Fitness Class (meets weekly)Exercise can reduce stress and weight, build stronger bones, improve our brain health and quality of life. Join us every Friday to learn new exercises and ideas to keep healthy and well.Wednesday, June 2, NoonPros and Cons of Eating OrganicAre you really getting better health for your dollar? A dietician discusses what you need to know about the organic foo
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