Audience interrupts TVH presentation to Temecula City Council on COVID-19 stats with boos and jeers

Temecula Valley Hospital CEO Darlene Wetton and chief of staff Dr. Andrew Ho (right) provide an update on the current COVID-19 statistics at the hospital during a presentation at the Temecula City Council meeting, Aug. 10. Valley News/Shane Gibson photo
A presentation to Temecula City Council on COVID-19 by Temecula Valley Hospital CEO Darlene Wetton and chief of staff Dr. Andrew Ho was met with boos and jeers from the audience during the Temecula City Council meeting, Aug. 10.During her presentation, Wetton gave an update on the hospital as a whole. She said that the past year had put a strain on the teaching hospital that now boasts over 100 residents, but that they never strayed from their focus on quality. She told the council that the hospital had received a comprehensive stroke center designation, its second Leapfrog Top Hospital Award in the nation and nine Leapfrog A grade awards.“This past year we received the comprehensive stroke center designation,” she said. “We are the only one in this region with this important
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