Newly passed ordinance threatens those who disrupt Temecula council meetings

Temecula City Council members discuss a new ordinance that threatens to remove disruptive citizens from meetings. Valley News/Courtesy photo
Michelle GerstSpecial to Valley NewsIn an effort to squash disruptive behavior during meetings, Temecula City Council passed an ordinance that threatens to toss citizens they deem unruly out of meetings. Those who are believed by council to be disruptive under the new rules could also face criminal charges, according to the new ordinance.During the Oct. 12 Temecula City Council meeting, members voted 4-1 on behavior they consider unacceptable including cheering, stomping, clapping and sign-waving. Councilwoman Jessica Alexander cast the dissenting vote. The action which was introduced in September by Mayor MaryAnn Edwards and Mayor Pro Tem Matt Rahn was an update to the Temecula’s Municipal Code 2.04.030.According to the ordinance, citizens can face prosecution and be fi
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