Would You Rather be Like Jesus?

Pastor Zachary Elliott
Zachary Elliott, 2020
Zachary ElliottSpecial to Valley NewsYou’ve probably heard the term “Good Samaritan” before. Maybe in the news or conversations with friends. People who do something selfless or heroic are often labeled “The Good Samaritan,” although most people probably don’t even know what it means.You might not know that the term comes from a story Jesus told in Luke 10:25-37. It’s about three guys and their response to a stranger in need who was fighting for his life after being robbed, stripped, beaten and left for dead.As he lay there dying, a priest happened to be traveling down the same road, and when he saw him, he crossed the street to the opposite side. He apparently had more important, godly things to do than love his neighbor and help someone in need.After a l
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