Sacred Heart Catholic Church All Hallows Eve provides fun, treats and education

Tara Butchart as Joan of Arc, left, Marta Spencer as Elizabeth of Hungary, Robert Heltmach as Pope John Paul II and Anne Heltmach as Gianna Beretta Molla show off their costumes at the All Hallows Eve celebration at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Sunday, Oct. 31. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Excited, costumed children met saints and even the Pope and received treats, education and fun at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church’s All Hallows Eve celebration Sunday, Oct. 31.Several adult parishioners dressed as their favorite saints and brought candy and cookies for the youngsters. Car trunks were decorated with props and even short biographies were posted about the saints. Chili dogs, chips and drinks were provided for small donations. Organizer Robert Heltmach left no detail overlooked when putting the event together. He strode out to his trunk dressed in a brilliant red robe as Pope John Paul II to cheers and applause.“It was a lot of fun,” Tara Butchart, dressed as Joan of Arc, said. “I think us adults had at least as much fun as the children. The plan next year is
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