Temecula Valley Elks honor Isabella Medici for her drug awareness video

Vincent Puterbaugh, left, Exalted Ruler of the Temecula Valley Elks Lodge, No. 2801, honors Temecula Valley High School student Isabella Medici for her winning video entry in the club’s national drug awareness competition with Diane Farrens, right, Lodge Drug Awareness Chair. Valley News/Courtesy photo
TEMECULA – Isabella Medici, a 11th grader at Temecula Valley High School, won first place at the national level in the high school division for her video entry in the Elks’ drug awareness competition.Her entry began at the local level with Temecula Valley Elks Lodge, No. 2801. The theme was “Drug Abuse – No Excuse!”Medici’s video centers around a man who has lost his loved one to drug abuse. The story shows the conflict between his love and her drug addiction, and in the end, his love for her cannot help her overcome her drug addiction. She created her winning video on her cellphone, with the help of a special app she downloaded and her stylus.Her winning video entry was forwarded to the Elks district level competition, where she competed with 11 other lodges, and h
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