Salmonella in backyard chicken flocks can cause concern

Backyard chicken flocks can carry salmonella germs that can make people sick. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Living in the Anza Valley means a rural lifestyle, and often that includes livestock and poultry. Ask anyone that raises chickens and they will often admit they consider them their favorites. Easy to feed and shelter, chickens provide eggs, meat and entertainment.However, any backyard poultry can carry salmonella germs that can cause illness in humans. Owners must take steps to prevent any infection in the flock.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked into outbreaks of salmonella linked to backyard poultry. This year’s investigation has been completed, but the information garnered is valuable.The investigation revealed 1,135 illnesses due to salmonella in backyard flocks, 273 hospitalizations and two deaths in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
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