BREAKING: I-15 crash near Rainbow Valley Boulevard exit slows traffic
UPDATE: Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2:30 p.m.Sun City Boulevard, Cherry Hills Boulevard, and Ridgemoor Road where they intersect with the golf course in Menifee are all closed due to flooding.The connector road from the eastbound 91 Freeway to northbound state Route 71 in Corona has been closed due to flooding across all lanes, according to Caltrans.A two vehicle collision on southbound Interstate 15 is slowing traffic, according to a CHP incident report.The incident report is showing at least one of the two vehicles on the right hand shoulder of the freeway with North County Fire Protection District and CHP responding to the crash, which was first reported at 10:52 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 14.No other information was available at the time of this posting.CHP spokesman Mike Lassig