UPDATED: Two arrested in connection with Old Town Temecula shooting

Desmond Dyas with his daughter Delilah, 4, and fiancée Desiree Brown. Dyas, 28, was shot and killed in Old Town Temecula, Sunday, Jan. 9. Valley News/Courtesy photo
Editor's note: This story has been updated to reflect the names of the victim and those arrested in connection with the shooting. Two men were arrested in connection with an Old Town Temecula shooting that left one man dead and two people hospitalized Sunday, Jan. 9.Kevin Hatchett Jr., 24, of Wildomar and Nickolas Trichanh, 21, of Corona, were both arrested and booked into the Cois M. Byrd Detention Center Monday, Jan. 10, for their alleged roles in the shooting which resulted in the death of Desmond Dyas, 28, of Hemet.Following the investigation, Hatchett Jr., was booked under the charges of murder and two counts of attempted murder. Trichanh was booked under the charge of accessory
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