Messed up people

Pastor Zachary Elliott
Zachary Elliott, 2020
What do you call a place full of messed-up people? Answer: a church.I have heard many reasons why people don’t go to church. People have told me that other people who attend are too judgmental, too hypocritical or have a holier-than-thou attitude. I’ve had people say, “If that’s how Christians act, then I don’t want any part of it.”It’s sad because, in one breath, they criticize the people who are part of the church while at the same time acting as its judge. Those two things don’t go together well.Want to know a secret? It’s all true. Yes, people who go to church have often been too judgmental, too hypocritical and often had a super-spiritual attitude. Yes, they have gossiped, been cliquey and been less than respectable at times. In short, they’ve often act
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