Temecula Valley Garden Club Flower to host show and plant sale

TEMECULA – Gardens in southwest Riverside County are bursting with blooms, just in time for the Temecula Valley Garden Club’s 34th annual Flower Show and Plant Sale Saturday, April 23, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free.This year’s theme is “Garden Kaleidoscope, The Exciting World of Color,” featuring hundreds of horticultural, floral design and youth exhibits. The TVGC is a member of National Garden Clubs Inc. and California Garden Clubs Inc. As such, the flower show is fully accredited and meets all requirements of a standard flower show as set by the NGC.TVGC invites everyone to participate in the show either as an exhibitor or guest. The horticultural division provides an opportunity for local gardeners to share their gardening successes and for visitors to see
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