Jury finds Cosby sexually abused Canyon Lake woman, then-teen girl, at Playboy Mansion in 1970s

Cosby at Frederick Douglass High School in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2006
RIVERSIDE (CNS) - A Santa Monica jury sided with a Canyon Lake woman today, finding that comedian Bill Cosby sexually abused her when she was a teenager at the Playboy Mansion in the 1970s, awarding her $500,000 in damages. Attorneys for Judy Huth, 64, of Canyon Lake, said Cosby fondled her and forced her to perform a sex act on him while visiting the mansion in 1975, when she was just 16 years old. Cosby's attorneys, meanwhile, denied any wrongdoing and pointed to inconsistencies in Huth's story, including a recent change in the year she claimed the attack happened. The eight-woman, four-man jury awarded Huth the $500,000 damages for emotional distress. However, the panel did not find that the comedian was liable for any punitive damages, which could have sent the total amount soaring.
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