Winter rains bring springtime bug invasion

Earwigs, also called pincher bugs, are invading homes and gardens in the Anza Valley. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Dramatic winter precipitation has resulted in record vegetation growth, a wildflower super bloom and benefits to both flora and fauna. But with all this riotous color and goodness also comes what humans regard as pests – a population explosion of insects – with earwigs and crane flies topping the list in Anza. Earwig invasion Earwigs are everywhere this spring, erupting from cracks in floors, climbing walls, falling from ceilings and congregating on lighted porches for all-night pincher parties. Anza Valley residents are seeing more of the odd-looking insects around the house and in the garden now than in recent memory.All species of earwigs have a pair of forceps-like pincers on their abdomen, hence the nickname pincher bugs. They are found on all continents except Antarctica.
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