‘Hot Dish Heaven’ answers the call for easy chicken casserole for busy people

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Judith BellFood EditorAt a recent prayer group reunion, the subject changed to food. Mary, Lisa, Sonja, Judy S., Katie and I met for lunch, although Kathy P. couldn’t make it. Katie started the chicken casserole discussion on behalf of her daughter, JoJo. I volunteered that I did not have a recipe in my mind I could give them then and there. I said I was seeing the “Casserole Queen” that evening, however, and she was sure to have what they wanted.Sure enough, my friend Ann Burckhardt has this “Chicken and Rice with Two Soups” recipe in her cookbook, “Hot Dish Heaven.” It is an outstanding collection of classic casseroles from Midwest kitchens.Why will it be included in a holiday cookbook, you might ask? The answer is simple: sometimes the cook needs something
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