The Coaches Couch: Summer fun for children out of school

Movies in the park are a fun and entertaining summer event that is family friendly. Valley News/Adobe Stock photo
Heidi SimmonsSpecial to the Valley NewsIt’s summertime, and the living is crazy.The weather is perfect for barbecues, days at the pool and trips to the beach. Sound too perfect? Well, it is.The children are also out of school for several months now, so the above diversions are only going to last so long. If parents want to keep their sanity this summer, don’t despair. There is a plethora of amusements to pursue right in their own backyard. So, before their children can say, “I’m bored.” They will be armed with an arsenal of adventures, for all budgets. Camping or on a safari For the younger set, ages 3 and up, let their imagination and not your wallet lead the way to creative play. Your children might not be aware of the “magical” times that can happen with
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