Father delivers son on way to hospital

Big brother Emmett greets his newborn sibling after his father delivers the baby on the way to the hospital Thursday, August 24. Anza Valley Outlook/Courtesy photo
An apprehensive young father delivered his son into the world on the side of a dirt road near the Lost Valley Boy Scout Camp Thursday, Aug. 24."Wesley John Olvera made a grand entrance this morning on the dirt road on our way to the hospital," said mother Jacquie Olvera. "We made it 5 miles down the 10 mile dirt road and this little boy was not waiting any longer."The Olveras reside at the Lost Valley Boy Scout Camp near Warner Springs, where father and husband Andrew works as a ranger. The dirt road in and out of camp is 10 miles long."I woke up with very strong contractions at 5:20 a.m., and they were just very strong right away and 3 minutes apart. We quickly got dressed, grabbed our things and our dogs to drop off at my mom's on our way to the hospital, and left."Jacqui
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