Menifee Police and Fire Department quarterly reports heard by Menifee City Council
The Menifee City Council heard quarterly reports from the Menifee Police Department and Fire Department at the October 18 meeting, approved a short list of consent items and invited residents to a free State of City and 15th Birthday Bash at the Mt. San Jacinto College Stadium Oct. 19.Menifee Fire Chief Lonny Olson reported to the council his department handled 3,459 calls during the last quarter from July through September with most of them from 2,825 residents seeking medical assistance. The department responded to 1 multi family home fire, 19 other fires, assisted on 22 wildland fires and made 3 rescues. Paramedics responded to 146 traffic accidents.He was proud to say that the department has been able to respond to most serious fire and medical calls in just under 5 minutes set