Fun fishing trip draws Moreno Valley scouts to Golden Era Golf Course private bass lakes

Sam Salas, 9, Moreno Valley Troop 520 Boy Scout, proudly holds one of the largemouth bass caught and later released by the visiting scouts at a Golden Era Golf Course in San Jacinto November 18. Valley News/Tony Ault photo
Early morning rain and fog did not hinder Boy and Girl Scouts invited to fish, some for the first time ever, in a small, well-stocked bass lake at Golden Era Golf Course in San Jacinto Saturday, Nov. 18. Assistant Scoutmaster Jarod Salas from Moreno Valley gathered up a small contingent of scouts from Boy Scout Troop 520 and Girl Scout Troop 898 just as dawn was breaking under cloudy skies after a rainfall and set off to the golf course lake on the invitation of Golden Era Productions Community Affairs Director Murial Dufresne to enjoy a morning of good fishing. For one young scout, it became a never-to-be-forgotten moment as he snagged a hefty large mouth bass for the first time in his life. Other scouts hooked a few more fish, but somewhat reluctantly and with a little help unhooked th
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