Saving your pet dog with CPR or the Heimlich maneuver

CPR can not only save the life of a beloved human in your life, but also a beloved canine companion. Valley News/Karina Young photo
The Red Cross and fire departments across the nation encourage everyone to learn how to revive a person who has stopped breathing with CPR or having trouble breathing with the Heimlich maneuver. However, that same life saving first aid can also save a dog if it has collapsed and stopped breathing and has no pulse. Since the family dog today is also considered a part of the family it is important to learn how this time proven method of saving lives can apply to it as well. If perhaps your family dog suddenly falls down and stops breathing it is first the time to check its gums and eyes. If the gums are found to look gray and if the pupils of his eyes are unresponsive to light. If they are, then check its pulse which can be found in several places, just behind the wrist, below the ankle or
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