U.S. Army Reservist serves his country and local schools

San Jacinto Leadership Academy Principal Michael Luna brings his strong military background to the 6-12 grade campus. Valley News/Diane A. Rhodes photo
Michael Luna is in his 23rd year of military service with the United States Army. He is currently active as a reservist, serving with the 606th Quartermaster Detachment out of March Air Base in Moreno Valley.Born and raised in the San Jacinto Valley, Luna has been a secondary educator for 15 years, always working for the San Jacinto Unified School District. His time as a teacher in the classroom has spanned three different school sites where he taught physical education and special education. He also coached middle and high school athletic teams.During his military career, he has been mobilized two times. He was called to active duty in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2009-2011 and served as a Drill Sergeant at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. His second mobilization was in support of
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