What is happening at Faith Baptist Church?

The buses wait at Faith Baptist Church for members of the outreach program to board. The church has come under increased scrutiny over the past month due to two arrests of former youth pastors, one accused and one convicted, of sexually assaulting young girls. Shane Gibson photo
The ties between Independent Fundamental Baptist and Faith Baptist Church Two arrests for crimes spanning more than 30 years by youth pastors at Faith Baptist Church in Wildomar has people asking questions about the leadership in place and the culture fostered by the church.There have been condemnations of the church – and sometimes all religions for that matter – in comments on social media. Former members of the church have come forward to tell their story of abuse that they said was never prosecuted or investigated by law enforcement. And there have been private email correspondences between current church members and the Valley News that take issue with our reporting.First and foremost in this series of stories, we have attempted to tell the stories of the people who have
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