Anza Community Hall board approves land donation for new septic system

Audience attendance is about 30 persons at the member meeting of the Anza Community Building Inc. Thursday, Aug. 29. Diane Sieker photo
The Anza Community Building board of directors met Thursday, Aug. 29, for the member meeting of the Anza Community Building Inc. The meeting was attended by about 30 people.Present were Secretary Noel Donahue, President Johnathan Schmidt, Treasurer Barbara Ann Keller, Keith Richardson, Vice President Barbra Janelle, Kimberly Patke and Mike Patke. Director Terry Gormley Seddon was not in attendance because of an excused absence for vacation.After the Pledge of Allegiance, Schmidt established that a quorum existed and called the meeting to order.Donahue explained that to complete the land donation needed for a new septic system from CLG Corporation to Anza Community Building Inc. that she needed a new resolut
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