HCGA meets with AEC general manager

Anza Electric Cooperative general manager Kevin Short speaks at the High Country Growers Association meeting Tuesday, Sept. 17. Diane Sieker photo
The High Country Growers Association held a public meeting at the Little Red Schoolhouse in Anza Tuesday, Sept. 17. The gathering was attended by growers, members of the press representing three news outlets, marijuana advocates and those in the community who wanted to learn more about cannabis cultivation in Anza Valley.HCGA directors Jake Baird, Jazmin McCammon and Kendall Steinmetz were present.Anza Electric Cooperative general manager Kevin Short fielded a detailed and informative question and answer session.He was asked to clarify statistics from 2017 that indicated that the AEC suffered $500,000 in losses due to utility theft and other causes, and many other questions.Short said that indee
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