Dynamic Fitness HPK: Fitness Tip of the Week – Tryptophan is not the enemy

This week’s Dynamic Fitness “Tip of the Week” comes from trainers Kevin Duenas and Brian Richardson, who said there is a way to stay awake during the Thanksgiving holiday. JP Raineri photo
Thanksgiving is upon us. It’s a great time to reflect, relax, spend time with loved ones and eat together. Tryptophan has always been associated with turkey and is the reason people feel tired, sluggish and sleepy.What is tryptophan?L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that the human body cannot produce; therefore, food sources must supply tryptophan. Tryptophan can be converted to serotonin, which improves relaxation and mood. The acid is consumed any time people eat meat, yet it is only associated with turkey day.That’s only a half-truth. The real problem with tryptophan stems from the amount of food people eat on Thanksgiving Day. According to the Calorie Control Council, the average Thanksgiving meal caloric intake is 3,150 total calories and 159 grams of fat. Mashed
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