Top footballers honored at awards banquet

From left to right, Coach Brian McGowan, offense of line coach; Coach Joe McGowen, offensive coordinator; Coach Pat McGowan, head coach and defensive coordinator; Jeff Walls, JV head coach; Larry Daniels, DB coach and JV defensive coordinator coach; Derek Calloway, wide receiver coach, show off their awards at the Hamilton High School Bobcat Football Awards Banquet. Missing from the photo is Coach Nic Yeomans, the defensive line coach. Diane Sieker photo
The Hamilton Bobcat Football Awards Banquet honored the school’s top athletes at the Anza Community Hall Friday, Nov. 15.Both junior varsity and varsity players were presented awards from their team coaches.Families, friends, school staff and fans attended the event, which included a dinner complete with desserts.“The season did not go as planned for the Hamilton Bobcat football team,” head coach Patrick McGowan said. “However, there were major improvements and everything seems to be going in the right direction for the team. There were incredible individual performances throughout the season. For example, Ethan Evans (11) ended third in league for passing yards while only playing half the season. Running back Dakota Lassen (1) led the team in rushing yards with nearly
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