“Imagine.” That iconic song. It’s ringing in my ears. Hum it. That song. Those lyrics are so prophetic. I’m humming it right now.
Yes. I’m a senior citizen. I’m white, privileged, retired – on a government pension.
I don’t have COVID-19.
I’m observing the “stay at home” order. I’m age 75 and a possible “over 60 statistic.”
If I do go soon, I just want you to know: It’s been quite a ride.
I was born right after D-Day in Europe. Briefly reviewing, I grew up with Joe McCarthy, bomb shelters and shelter in place – under school desks. I was working in my college cafeteria November 1963, when three mean boys – not men – gleefully ran in shouting, “They just shot the president.” JFK.
I lived through the Vietnam War from 1946-1975. I remember Watergate in the 1970s, the Iran-Contra in the 1980s and O.J. Simpson and Monica Lewinski in the 1990s. There were many trying times from 1944-2020.
There are many more to come. Life is that way.
Now, let’s go on to 2020. I’d like to shout out “I’m a proud Californian.” I’m proud of our state government. It makes me feel counted, knowing that our governor just sent 500 ventilators to assist New York. I’m glad that he is from San Francisco, the city by the bay.
I’m glad that he is articulate. That he is professional and complimentary to others. I’m so happy that he doesn’t speak of snakes, hoaxes and witch or warlock hunts.
We are between a rock and a hard place in our state and country right now. Trying times. United, we stand. Divided, we fall.
Currently, we are waiting for those stopgap checks. A $2 trillion care package. Who will benefit most? Who will see the least? Tax returns? How far off is the proverbial “light of day?”
Today, I will imagine: balanced budgets, toilet paper abundance, sit-in versus takeout meals. Dancing in the moonlight. Webinars and the deceased. All those deceased.
Finally, on this day, I’ll imagine God holding in his hands to all of our public servants and medical teams. They are out there on the front lines for us. Why? Just ask them. They will casually say, “It’s my duty.”
Just imagine where we would all be if “they” threw in the towel and said, “I quit.”
“They” won’t say that. Nor did the D-Day soldiers storming Omaha Beach June 6, 1944.
We must not say it either. Now is “our trying times.” By God, the least we can do is stay home, social distance and wear protective gear to protect us and we, the American people.
Imagine a common cause, the Constitution and a United States of America with liberty and justice for all. Let’s not imagine it. Let’s just do it.
Paul Andersen
Wildomar resident