Create a fire safety plan to include pets

A fire safety plan should include all members of a household – including pets. Valley News/Courtesy photo
TEMECULA – Fire safety measures are essential yet often overlooked. In addition to outlining the proper action to take should a fire break out, a fire safety evacuation plan can be an invaluable, life-saving tool. A fire safety plan should include all members of a household – including pets.The American Humane Society said each year more than 500,000 pets are affected by house fires. The National Fire Protection Association estimated that nearly 1,000 home fires each year are accidentally started by pets. Pets are curious animals, and they may investigate open flames from unattended candles, fireplaces or grills. Pets may start fires by accidentally turning stove knob covers or biting on or playing with electrical wires and outlets. Young pets may be especially inquisitive and bois
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