Posting kids’ photos online? Beware of these 4 major threats

Be aware of the potential dangers of oversharing your children’s lives on social media. Valley News/Vitaly gariev photo (
CALIFORNIA - As parents, we love sharing precious moments of our children's lives with loved ones. However, the practice of "sharenting" – sharing photos and personal details of our kids on social media – comes with potential dangers that we must be aware of. Trevor Cooke, Privacy Expert at EarthWeb, says that while the desire to share precious moments with loved ones is understandable, it's crucial to recognize the potential risks associated with oversharing on the internet.Permanence of online media Once a photo or personal information is posted online, it becomes virtually impossible to remove it entirely. Cooke says, "Even if you delete the content from your accounts, it may have already been shared, cached, or archived elsewhere, leaving a permanent digital footprint tha
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