Temecula approves 12% rate increase for commercial waste and recycling customers

The Temecula City Council listens to a staff report from Pat Thomas, director of public works, on proposed rate increases for commercial waste and recycling customers. Valley News/Courtesy photo
The Temecula City Council approved a 12% increase to commercial solid waste and recycling rates at its Tuesday, July 28, meeting.The city has a franchise agreement with CR&R Incorporated for refuse collection and recycling services. Per the terms of the agreement, rates for customers may be adjusted on an annual basis each July 1, according to a city staff report.Commercial rates were due to adjust for the 2020-2021 fiscal year, including a 1.8% increase due to consumer price index changes as well as a $0.76 per month increase in landfill fees. However, CR&R also requested an additional increase of 9.98% of current commercial recycling rates, which it attributed to two factors: compliance with state-mandated recycling programs as well as what’s known as the “China Sword
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