COVID-19 or no COVID-19 – the harvest season is coming

Rick Buffington, co-owner of Cougar Vineyard and Winery, puts the finishing touches on some newly bottled Greco di Tufo Wednesday, Aug. 5. Valley News/Jeff Pack photo
By all appearances, the fat-looking grapes that can be found hanging from vines all over Temecula Wine Country are not doing a very good job of social distancing.They are gathered in tight clusters, none of them wearing masks or protective shields and that is good news for wine drinkers who intend on consuming their juices when they are ready to drink in a year or two … or five.Depending on the varietal and the weather leading up to August through October, some of the grapes are ready to come down from their perches, and others need a bit more time on the vine.Valley News reached out to some assorted vintners to find out how they are dealing with COVID-19 during the harvest season and what they expect to get when they pluck the grapes from the vines.[caption id="attachmen
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