Hamilton High School students receive Chromebooks, take ID pictures

Students check in, collect school supplies and take ID pictures at Hamilton High School Monday, Aug. 10, and Tuesday, Aug. 11. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Hamilton High School students picked up their Chromebooks and other supplies Monday, Aug. 10, and Tuesday, Aug. 11, for their first day of distance learning lessons, beginning Monday, Aug. 17.For the first week of school from Monday, Aug. 17, through Friday, Aug. 21, students will meet directly for all their classes with their teachers online. The synchronous/asynchronous schedule begins Monday, Aug. 24.The distance learning model involves interaction, instruction and check-ins by computer. Chromebooks, hot spots, tech support, teacher devices and other technology are provided by the district.Jeff Franks, principal of Hamilton High School, prepares for the 2020-2021 school year. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker pho
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