Anza school victim of water theft

Locks have been installed on the hydrants at Hamilton TK-8 School in Anza after water was allegedly stolen from the campus. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Siejker photo
Reports of water theft at the Hamilton TK-8 School, 57550 Mitchell Road, in Anza has prompted an investigation by school officials and Riverside County sheriff’s deputies.The thefts were reported beginning mid-August and had been ongoing for several nights, several witnesses said. A water-tender style truck was allegedly seen drawing water from the hydrants on the school grounds.According to a representative with the school district, “We made a report with the sheriff, as we caught them on camera. No plates were on the truck. We have purchased some locking devices for the hydrants.”It is an active investigation with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department out of the Hemet Station.“At this time, we do not have any updates on the investigation. We are urging the p
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