Prepare a garden for spring planting

Gardeners can consider the following tips as they try to restore their gardens and get them ready for spring planting. Valley News/Courtesy photo
TEMECULA – The final weeks of winter and the first few weeks of spring are still chilly in many parts of the world. Despite those last vestiges of winter chills, late winter is the time to begin preparing gardens for the coming planting season.Gardens may have to withstand months of winter weather, and such conditions can take a toll. Gardeners can consider the following tips as they try to restore their gardens and get them ready for spring planting.Disinfect your tools.It’s common to clean tools in late fall or whenever they’re typically placed in storage for the winter. But cleaning and disinfecting are not necessarily the same thing. If tools were not disinfected at the end of the previous gardening season, disinfect them before doing any work on the garden. Doing so
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