Temecula business owner arrested for allegedly attempting to meet 13-year-old boy for sex

In this side by side photo provided to Valley News by CC Unit, Albert Abbott is arrested for allegedly attempting to have sex with a minor. Valley News/Courtesy photo
According to documentation obtained by Valley News, a Temecula business owner who was arrested last week allegedly thought he was meeting a 13-year-old boy for sex.Albert Abbott, 42, the owner of Abbott Manor Weddings and Events in Temecula was arrested June 15 and is facing three charges relating to sex with a minor following the incident which was also posted to the CC Unit YouTube channel.In that video a member of the CC Unit confronts Abbott, who said he was there shopping with his wife, but in the chat logs provided to Valley News by CC Unit, it appears Abbott was there to meet with a minor he knew as “Josh” after an exchange on the instant messaging app Kik.ALSO SEE: Temecula business owner arrested, charged with 2 feloniesIn the chat logs Abbott says he is a 37-
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