AYSO holds first soccer games

Coaches organize the young players at the American Youth Soccer Organization Region 1641’s first games Saturday, Aug. 21. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Enthusiastic players, coaches and families enjoyed the first soccer game day hosted by the American Youth Soccer Organization Region 1641 Saturday, Aug. 21.Young team members were coached by volunteers as they kicked the balls around, becoming familiar with the sport. Sometimes the goals were missed entirely as the players moved the balls downfield in a rush of color.A snack bar was provided, and a DJ played popular music for all to enjoy. A festive atmosphere ensued as several teams hit the turf, ready to win.“Soccer season is now in full swing,” Brooke Blackmore said. “We have full teams and coaches, but we still always need volunteers, assistant coaches and referees. Many thanks to coaches Alvar
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