Should the Government Run health care?

Marie Waldron
Marie Waldron. Valley News/Courtesy photo
Last week the Assembly Health Committee reviewed, and passed, AB 1400, which would mandate government-run health care for almost 40 million Californians. Are you on Medicare? You won’t be. Do you like your current health plan? Say goodbye to it. Do you want to pay higher taxes, for less care? You’re in luck.AB 1400 creates an unelected nine-member board to run state health care with vast power to decide how much doctors and hospitals are paid, to adjust (cut) provider budgets and much more. When a similar bill was proposed in 2017, costs were estimated at $400 billion. If the entire state budget had been spent on health care, the program would still have been $200 billion short.Where does the money come from? ACA 11 would provide the funding, or rather, taxpayers would. New e
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