Home News Crashes and Traffic Nightly closures, full weekend closure planned on westbound 60 Freeway
BEAUMONT (CNS) - The westbound Moreno Valley (60) Freeway between
Beaumont and Moreno Valley will be shut down tonight and every night this week -
- and westbound lanes will be closed all weekend -- for ongoing construction,
according to the Riverside County Transportation Commission.Beginning at 10 tonight, the California Highway Patrol will close both
westbound lanes between the Interstate 10/60 Freeway Interchange and Gilman
Springs Road, roughly five miles, as part of the "State Route 60 Truck Lanes
Project.''According to RCTC, the closures are required so that crews can safely
work on completing transitions that take motorists off of the old lanes and
move them to the newly constructed ones. Alternating single-lane closures are
also scheduled on the eastbound 60 as pa