Mastro on San Diego Comic Fest panel about furthering book ideas

Menifee resident J.C. Mastro was on a San Diego Comic Fest panel about furthering book ideas.San Diego Comic Fest took place Thursday through Sunday, April 21-24, and Mastro was part of the April 24 panel titled, “So You Have a Book Idea, Now What?” Mastro was joined by Jeff Burns, Francis Fernandez and Tone Milazzo.Mastro was an author and one of the editors for the anthology “Dragons of a Different Tail,” which features 17 non-traditional dragon stories. His young adult science fiction novel “Academy Bound” is scheduled to be available for purchase at the end of May.The panel spoke about how to turn an idea into a completed book ready for publication. Milazzo said that he completes an outline and seeks to write 1,000 words a day. Burns said that he also tries to w
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