Local equestrians share the dos and don’ts of evacuating horses

Having horses means being well-prepared for evacuating the animals in the event of wildfire or other disasters. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
As the threat of wildfires increases with every hot, dry summer day in Anza, the need to be prepared becomes more important than ever. For horse owners, the task can be daunting. The sometimes easily-frightened animals must be trained to load and ride quietly in horse trailers, have their needs met in strange accommodations and behave all the while. Owners must have transportation or reliable arrangements for transportation and an emergency evacuation plan in place.“Prepare ahead of time - don't wait till the last minute to get things together,” said expert equestrian Pebbles Bartlett-Lewis. “Be prepared in case of evacuation, not because. If you want to stay until you see flames, fine, but make sure your large animals are safe. Evacuate them early while roads are open and space
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