Food carries health risks

Valley News/Courtesy photo
Shelby RamseySpecial to the Valley NewsDid you ever stop to think that every bite of food you eat comes with its own set of health risks?Given that studies have indicated we spend a little over one hour a day eating – isn’t it worth educating yourself on best practices, as well as tuning in to how restaurants approach crafting your meals?What you put in your mouth today has gone through several stages: It has been grown, watered, touched, picked, lugged, transported, refrigerated, frozen, prepped, cleaned, cooked and finally consumed. In many cases, your food has also been treated for pests or injected with hormones to promote growth.It goes through a lot of hands, a lot of unknowns, and into a lot of empty stomachs waiting.Dr. Arun Bhunia, Professor of Molecula
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