Prepare for winter storms in the Anza Valley

Snowstorms are no place to be unprepared. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Living in the Anza Valley is often a matter of being prepared for what Mother Nature may throw at rural residents. Winter living in the High Country can benefit from these cold weather safety tips from the Kaysville, Utah Public Safety Team. Prepare vehicles - they can protect occupants from the cold. Ensure that the gas tank is always at least half-full and keep blankets in the car. The difference between life and death during a roadside emergency in frigid temperatures could be a warm vehicle. Minimize outdoor activity when temperatures plunge. Stay inside where it's warm until the cold spell and stormy conditions pass. When going outside, wear appropriate clothing. Weatherproof pants and sweaters with a beanie, gloves, a heavy coat and water-resistant footwear are an excellent way to
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