Southwest County Riverside Presidential Primary Vote tally as of March 21
The Riverside County Registrar of Voters as of March 21 gave these presidential and local vote counts showing the leaders and next runner ups of the southwest Riverside County primary races thus far. It shows 42 out of 42 voting precincts in Riverside County have been turned in and counted. There were 407,876 ballots counted at this time with 365,846 done by mail and 35,576 in person voters in the 4,033 precincts.In Riverside County there are 1,327,182 registered voters with the turnout for this Presidential Primary at 30.07%The Registrar of Voters noted: “Vote counting continues and results are not final. There are estimated less than 1,300 Vote-by-Mail ballots, unprocessed ballots that are damaged and require duplication or require further review remain to be processed. There a