Tag: Bible Reading
Openly a Christian
We’re open about a lot of things in our lives; our sports teams, jobs, hobbies, political views, and sometimes private things. But what about...
The God who finds you
My wife and I decided to wage war on every creepy crawly thing around the house. So, we got a barn cat. Our goal...
God’s kind of attitude – Part 1
When you’re going to climb up a ladder, you can’t start at the top. You must start with the first rung and move up...
Five ‘Be’s of family unity – Part 3
If there’s one thing that can cause conflict in the family, it’s parenting. But it doesn’t have to be.If you’ve been struggling in your...
Five ‘Be’s of Family Unity – Part 2
Last week, I discussed the first two steps of the Five “Be”s of Family Unity: Be unified with Jesus and Be unified in the...
What are you sowing and reaping?
I have a box of vegetable seeds sitting in my shed. But since I’ve never planted and watered them, they have never grown to...
Should I fear God?
I walked into Costco the other day and a 15-foot electronic witch assaulted me. Man, was it ugly! I guess if you’re going to...
Hey, did you hear?
It’s said that some people will believe anything if it’s whispered to them. Do you find that to be true? I often do, especially...
God loves the little children
This week is my church’s annual vacation Bible school. It’s a week of fun, games and teaching children how much God loves them and...
How to stand for God
The biblical account of Daniel in the lion’s den has been read, told and retold for thousands of years. It’s a real-life historical account...