Seniors get fit at CrossFit by Overload

Trainer Danielle Hale from Murrieta’s CrossFit by Overload puts Betty Bourke, a CrossFit student, through her paces. Courtesy photo
 Seniors are taking the gym by storm at Murrieta’s CrossFit by Overload, one of the first CrossFit gyms in the Temecula Valley.“We have an exclusive senior class for all members of Rancho Family Medical Group here in Temecula,” owner Jon Levell said. “The doctors of Rancho Family Medicine are very supportive and have been very supportive about this population finding a good way to implement some healthy exercise at least twice a week.”Levell said he and his wife Kira Levell, who is also a trainer at the gym decided to start doing senior classes because they saw the numbers of seniors in the local area grow which caused a need for a “legitimate fitness program for seniors who wanted to do more tha
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