National Charity League Murrieta-Temecula Chapter hosts fall festival

Potato sack races are a hit at the National Charity League Murrieta-Temecula Chapter Fall Festival Duck Draw fundraiser at Vintage Reserve Park Saturday, Oct. 26. Jeff Pack photos
MURRIETA — Games, activities, and prizes were at the forefront of the National Charity League Murrieta-Temecula Chapter hosts Fall Festival Duck Draw Fundraiser Saturday, Oct. 26, in Murrieta, but there was a deeper reason for all the fall fun. All the donations collected during the event at Vintage Reserve Park were to go toward the chapter’s programming fees and philanthropies they serve, including the Community Food Pantry of Murrieta, Cultivating Inclusions, Habitat for Humanity, Jacob’s House, MCAS Camp Pendleton, Project T.O.U.C.H., Oak Grove Center and more. While children were enjoying fun carnival games, face painting, potato sack races, soda toss games, the organization held a rubber duck drawing w
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