Operation School Bell provides new school clothes for southwest Riverside County children

John Hine Temecula Subaru’s Bill Brumbaugh, vice president and general manager, and Kevin Ohler, director of marketing, join the Operation School Bell team at Assistance League of Temecula Valley during their last “shopping” event, Oct. 24. Courtesy photo
TEMECULA – Remember shopping for new school shoes, or bringing home a new winter coat? Deciding on an outfit for the first day of school? Thousands of students in the southwest Riverside County don’t have this traditional back-to-school experience. In fact, many of them have never shopped for new clothes or shoes or owned clothes that fit. They wear hand-me-downs or share shoes and coats with a sibling.Assistance League of Temecula Valley is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its signature philanthropic program, Operation School Bell. The nonprofit said it believes new school clothing contributes to a child’s self-esteem and a successful school experience. From Aug. 6 to Oct. 24, during the 18 “shopping” events, 2,554 identified low-income K-12 students selected their choice
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