TVUSD governing board must confront aggressive behavior in its schools

Opinion section
Valley News - Opinion
Solana Husband, an African American student at Temecula Valley High School, was the recent victim of a profanity-laced, racial slur perpetrated by a fellow student.Husband said that she may have been targeted for reporting that a Confederate flag had been painted on the asphalt of a student’s parking spot at TVHS. Husband also shared how she and other students have been repeatedly subjected to racially insensitive behaviors with minimal, if any, resolution.TVUSD board member Barbara Brosch described how the incident left her sickened and heartbroken. She goes on to say, “But we cannot control what our students are taught outside of school.” A valid observation, but it should not be an excuse for the TVUSD governing board to continue doing very little to confront aggressive be
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